if( isCoded && isDeployed)

25 11 2014
Testing deployment on Ouya

Testing deployment on Ouya Game Console

Over the past couple of weeks I have been tidying up and prepping for the deployment of Mystic Mayhem on various systems. The first device I have chosen to deploy is the Ouya game system, The game is currently under review and hopefully be ready before Thanksgiving. What is an Ouya? An Ouya is a micro-console that runs Android OS. I was one of the original backers when they where on Kickstarter and thought it was a great idea to make Android games/apps available in the living room. The device makes a great  Android dev tool and made it very easy to test using a controller and a touch interface, which is good if you want to deploy to other Android devices. The Ouya edition of Mystic Mayhem will have the same levels, music, and gameplay as the Xbox version. It will also be available for the same price [ 99 cents].  Please keep checking this site because over the next couple weeks I will be submitting to Google Play, Kindle, iOS and others.

Android Port Status and Patch v1.1

1 10 2012

Xbox Live Indie Game Dev Update

I have currently sent Version 1.1 of the patch for Mystic Mayhem on the App Hub, this version adds the following updates:

– Slower Menu Selection Speed

– Updated Menu to Showcase the different modes of the game (show it is two games in one!)

– Fixed coin value value in Survival Mode

– Removed rumble on projectile shoot.

– Updated some graphics elements.

These updates will hopefully be out in the next couple of days.

Android Progress

Currently I have been learning MonoGame and trying to port Mystic Mayhem to Android devices. So far i have been making some progress, but found some snags. First, MonoGame currently does not support hardware instancing in their codebase [Develop3d Branch], this means I will have to do some workarounds to get the graphics to display properly on less powerful graphics cards.Second, I will have to find an alternative way to get the music to work, somehow the audio causes some faults which I had to comment my Audio Manager code in order for the port to work.

Android Image Test
Got an image to display on Android Emulator!

Next, I will have to tackle scaling, since Android devices can support various sizes, I will have to add a scaling manager to scale from the traditional Xbox 1280 x 720 to any size possible. Also during my first port test of my game I was getting some “run out of space” when trying to deploy to the emulator. After some quick searching I found out that even though the game is < 70MB, when debugging it almost doubles its size to add debug handlers when sending to Android device. In order to fix it you have to run the emulator for the first time from the command prompt to add a partition size when it starts up:

emulator -partition-size 512 -avd <Your Mono AVD Name here>

otherwse it defaults to a low disk size (194MB of free if I recall).


I will try to keep an update of the games progress porting Mystic Mayhem (which is out now on XBLIG!) to Android as much as I can.

Research and Updates [09/15/2012]

15 09 2012

Mystic Mayhem has been out now for two weeks! Don’t forget this game has two games in one: you can play Adventure mode and Survival mode. Also the patch for the game is currently in Peer Review on the XBLIG App hub.

Currently I have been researching and trying to implement Mystic Mayhem for Android devices. So far I have trying out MonoGame and checking out various tutorials/vids on how to port the game. Not very straight forward since my game is 3d not 2d (unless anyone has better info to port 3d). Still have to figure out how to port the framework, get it to work with my shaders and add touch support.

In other news, I have been prototyping my next untitled game for XBLIG. I will post more info soon.